Processing is a programming language (based on Java) and development environment to create interactive media.
On you can download this software for free and find many tutorials and examples.

Also you can share your code and sketch on

You can find more information about Processing in this video to the right or just visit
During the first session of learning Processing we were learning how to make simple things like : changing size and color of a background, creating different shapes and changing their size, stroke, filling and position.

We were tasked to explore tutorials, examples and reference on

This tutorial inspired me to create the code bellow.

Using the obtained knowledge I've created this code :
The result of this code you can watch in this video:
On the next session we were introduced to vectors in Processing. I've found it quite difficult to understand and use therefore I didn't use it a lot.

I've continued my research in Processing. I set myself a goal to learn how to change things by clicking on the mouse buttons. I've decided that the best way to do it is by using the function "if"(allows the program to make a decision about which code to execute. If the test evaluates to true, the statements enclosed within the block are executed and if the test evaluates to false the statements are not executed).

So, I've decided to make something very simple because my main purpose was to test "if" function in Processing.

Using this function I've created this very simple code:
The result of this code you can watch in this video:
Darja Jekateriniceva
Portfolio for Web Design Studio 2015
•home page
•my work
In conclusion, Processing is a very entertaining software which can help you to improve your skills in coding (on Java language). You can create a really amazing things via this software. I find it quite difficult to use, as it requires not only programming skills but mathematics knowledge as well.